Thursday, March 11, 2010

FC sniffs King Air

Cologne - FC guest at all of Europe's major soccer stage - even if only as a spectator ...
Cologne king sniffs the air! During the team's closed on Tuesday will travel to Gelsenkirchen to watch in the Arena Auf Schalke, "the top match between FC Schalke and FC Barcelona, is visiting her coach Meanwhile in Istanbul.
Christoph Daum ( "Here, just 15 degrees") dominate stretches of the game on Wednesday with his former club Fenerbahce Istanbul v Chelsea Champions League quarter-final to another live purely in the stadium.
The star coach was on Monday morning with his wife Angelica Camm-Daum jetted into his "second home" - where it has big plans. He particularly looks forward again reunion with an old acquaintance from common Leverkusen Hours: DFB-captain Michael Ballack!
Daum: "I meet the Michael today. We'll discuss a lot. Even with Alex, my old captain of Fenerbahce, I'll replace me before the game. I need the background information for the audience, "says Daum, who will comment on the game for the Turkish television.
It was not until Thursday morning he will return and take on Geißbockheim a fitte team. The FC-namely, professionals will make on Wednesday, a performance diagnosis.